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envshh is secureenvshh is secureenvshh


If you are comfortable having it installed on your system and don’t want to type npx all the time, you can install it


  1. git Envshh completely depends on git. Make sure you have git installed.

  2. NodeJS NodeJS comes with a package manager like npm by default with most of the systems. Make sure you have the package manager installed by running npm --version. If you prefer any other package manager like pnpm or yarn, Great. Use it to install / execute Envshh commands.


You can install envshh using any of the following package managers

with npm

npm install -g envshh

with pnpm

pnpm install -g envshh

with yarn

yarn global add envshh


  • First clear the database and delete the configuration directory. Learn More about this here

    envshh db clear
  • Then uninstall the package

    with npm

    npm uninstall -g envshh

    Or follow you package manager’s uninstallation guide.